REST API Documentation

The accounting-api projects main application provides a REST API for accounting data. This is the documentation for the various REST endpoints that the accounting-api application provides.

Get all transactions

GET /transaction

Example request

GET /transaction HTTP/1.1
Host: accounting.example
Accept: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "transactions": [
      "__type__": "Transaction",
      "date": "2010-01-01",
      "id": "Ids can be anything",
      "metadata": {},
      "payee": "Kindly T. Donor",
      "postings": [
          "__type__": "Posting",
          "account": "Income:Foo:Donation",
          "amount": {
            "__type__": "Amount",
            "amount": "-100",
            "symbol": "$"
          "metadata": {
            "Invoice": "Projects/Foo/Invoices/Invoice20100101.pdf"
          "__type__": "Posting",
          "account": "Assets:Checking",
          "amount": {
            "__type__": "Amount",
            "amount": "100",
            "symbol": "$"
          "metadata": {}
      "__type__": "Transaction",
      "date": "2011-03-15",
      "id": "but mind you if they collide.",
      "metadata": {},
      "payee": "Another J. Donor",
      "postings": [
          "__type__": "Posting",
          "account": "Income:Foo:Donation",
          "amount": {
            "__type__": "Amount",
            "amount": "-400",
            "symbol": "$"
          "metadata": {
            "Approval": "Projects/Foo/earmark-record.txt"
          "__type__": "Posting",
          "account": "Assets:Checking",
          "amount": {
            "__type__": "Amount",
            "amount": "400",
            "symbol": "$"
          "metadata": {}

Get a single transaction

GET /transaction/<string:transaction_id>

Example request

GET /transaction/2aeea63b-0996-4ead-bc4c-e15505dff226 HTTP/1.1
Host: accounting.example
Accept: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "transaction": {
    "__type__": "Transaction",
    "date": "2013-12-26",
    "id": "2aeea63b-0996-4ead-bc4c-e15505dff226",
    "metadata": {},
    "payee": "January Rent",
    "postings": [
        "__type__": "Posting",
        "account": "Assets:Checking",
        "amount": {
          "__type__": "Amount",
          "amount": "-424.24",
          "symbol": "USD"
        "metadata": {}
        "__type__": "Posting",
        "account": "Expenses:Rent",
        "amount": {
          "__type__": "Amount",
          "amount": "424.24",
          "symbol": "USD"
        "metadata": {}

Add transactions

POST /transaction
Json Parameters:
  • transactions (array) – A list of Transaction objects to add.

Example request

POST /transaction HTTP/1.1
Host: accounting.example
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "transactions": [
      "__type__": "Transaction",
      "date": "2010-01-01",
      "id": "Ids can be anything",
      "metadata": {},
      "payee": "Kindly T. Donor",
      "postings": [
          "__type__": "Posting",
          "account": "Income:Foo:Donation",
          "amount": {
            "__type__": "Amount",
            "amount": "-100",
            "symbol": "$"
          "metadata": {
            "Invoice": "Projects/Foo/Invoices/Invoice20100101.pdf"
          "__type__": "Posting",
          "account": "Assets:Checking",
          "amount": {
            "__type__": "Amount",
            "amount": "100",
            "symbol": "$"
          "metadata": {}

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "OK",
  "transaction_ids": [
    "Ids can be anything"

Delete a transaction

DELETE /transaction/<string:transaction_id>

Delete the transaction with ID transaction_id.

Example request

DELETE /transaction/123456 HTTP/1.1
Host: accounting.example
Accept: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "OK"

Update a transaction

POST /transaction/<string:transaction_id>

Example request

POST /transaction/2aeea63b-0996-4ead-bc4c-e15505dff226 HTTP/1.1
Host: accounting.example
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json

  "transaction": {
    "__type__": "Transaction",
    "date": "2013-12-26",
    "id": "2aeea63b-0996-4ead-bc4c-e15505dff226",
    "metadata": {},
    "payee": "February Rent",
    "postings": [
        "__type__": "Posting",
        "account": "Assets:Checking",
        "amount": {
          "__type__": "Amount",
          "amount": "-424.24",
          "symbol": "USD"
        "metadata": {}
        "__type__": "Posting",
        "account": "Expenses:Rent",
        "amount": {
          "__type__": "Amount",
          "amount": "424.24",
          "symbol": "USD"
        "metadata": {}

Example response

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "status": "OK"

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